Monday, December 6, 2010

Four Loko

  I was in a gas station the other day. Walking around minding my own business when all of a sudden a bright yellow can caught my attention in the beer cooler. I turned and saw illuminated in the florescent light a can of Four Loko. Oddly placed in the cooler next to all of the energy drinks. I thought to my self, "hm.. this  looks like a energy drink,has the same fun flavors as an energy drink and is placed right next to them at the eye level of a middle schooler".
    When I looked a little bit closer I saw that in one can there is 12% alcohol, and tons of energy supplements. I was curious so I texted a few friends, "have you heard of Four Loko"? The responses were mixed. Some people said it was the worst tasting stuff that they had ever drank. One guy said he drinks it because he gets wasted off of two cans and it only costs he 5 bucks. Others said it takes the fun out of drinking. One of my close friends said they had never felt like that before, it hit them like a brick wall and she only had one can. Molly had so much energy she didn't even realize she was getting drunk, the next thing she knew it was the next afternoon, with no recollection of the night. And the hang over... Well you can guess,horrible. Alright, so my friends have drank it some liked it some hated it.
   I went into work the next day and talked to a few people about the product and found out that it has been banned by the FDA because of the health risks it causes. So the manufactures of the product have to take it off the market until they reformulate the drinks. Alright so I had some new information, now off to the internet! Websites that had information about Four Loko said it was like drinking a bottle of wine, a venti black Starbucks coffee and a monster, all in 23oz of canned, carbonated, death?
   So now the reason this blog exists....This product while similar to other caffeinated alcoholic beverages is in a whole new ball park. It makes it easy for people to get f-ed up out of their mind. Now I am not one to judge. Yes I have gotten wasted before and done a bunch of other things as well. I just don't believe that it makes sense that this product is being marketed to young adults(20 and under). I know kids drink before they are 21, I know I did. I just don't understand why make a drink that has such high potency and market it to kids?  
   If you want to learn some more here are some links I found interesting:
four-loko-girl.jpg ( look at the caption of the video)

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